DTiQ Wewnętrzna szybkość obsługi

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Wewnętrzna szybkość obsługi

Uzyskaj wgląd w wrażenia gości dzięki Inside Speed of Service DTiQ. Rozwiązanie analityki wideo DTiQ wykorzystuje zaawansowaną sztuczną inteligencję i uczenie maszynowe, a także dostosowane inteligentne algorytmy, aby z łatwością zwiększyć szybkość obsługi. Zapoznaj się z praktycznymi spostrzeżeniami dzięki historycznym raportom trendów, aby poinformować użytkowników, kiedy ich kluczowe wskaźniki wydajności są spełnione - a kiedy nie - aby można było podjąć właściwe decyzje w celu zwiększenia wydajności operacyjnej.

DTiQ In-store Speed of Service Dashboard

A new generation of our In-Store Speed of Service dashboard that helps you improve your store operations, customer experience, and sales results. Already used by over 1,000 stores.

• 24/7/365 speed of service analytics

• Real-time customer flow metrics –
Track in-store movements, wait times, and service efficiency with data that can't be altered by employees.

Key performance indicators – Number of customers entering, waiting to order, waiting to receive orders, and peak times by daypart.

Operational excellence – Adjust staffing, review promotions, and optimize operations based on live data to improve customer experience and boost sales.

• Customizable reporting –
Access data and video reports on demand in hourly, daily, and weekly time slices, exportable to Excel for in-depth analysis.

• Big Data integration –
Dive deeper into trends using your BI tools
Get started

Monitor the customer experience across various real-time dimensions, including entry/exit count, customer count, average wait time, and customers in line.

Empowering operators and owners with AI-driven insights to make informed decisions that enhance store performance and improve speed of service, customer experience, operational efficiency, and loss prevention.

Providing real data and metrics for fast action​

In-store customer flow

Real-time data and metrics, generated by computer vision, that cannot be altered or manipulated by employees, ensuring accuracy in monitoring in-store customer flow.​​

  • Number of people entering a store
  • Amount of time customers wait to place and receive their order
  • Average queue length
  • Sales per customer entry

Complimenting product:
DTiQ Peak Times Speed of Service Dashboard

A redefined version of Inside Speed of Service with a customizable selection of time-of-day for quickly finding bottlenecks and opportunities during peak hours. A plug-and-play solution for business operators.

• Monitor up to 3 business hours –
Focus on 3 key hours per day like your peak hours when you need to maximize your revenue
• Location rankings –
Instantly identify best or worst performing stores
• Pre-filtered data –
Data is pre-filtered and sorted by a traffic light system so you can action upon the data, instantly
• Comparative analysis –
Compare by day or week and identify opportunities for improvement
Learn about Peak Times Speed of Service

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